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Have A Good Business!
CoMe on gUYs! Ayo Rek, SEMANGAT!!!
Sabtu, 29 Agustus 2009
Rabu, 01 April 2009
Hot Dip Process

The Hot Dip Process
The galvanizing process consists of the following basic steps:
Oil and Grease Removal -- A hot alkaline cleaner is used to remove dirt, oil, grease and soluble markings. This process is known as caustic cleaning. This cleaning will NOT, however, remove epoxies, paint, and welding slag. Those contaminants must be removed by sandblasting, which we can arrange for you.
Pickling -- A dilute solution of hot sulfuric acid is used to remove surface rust and mill scale to provide a chemically clean metallic surface, readying the metal for the hot-dip process. This portion of the process can take anywhere from 30 minutes to 1-1/2 hours, depending on the complexity or the thickness of the part.
Fluxing -- Your steel parts will pass through this flux (a zinc ammonium chloride solution), which floats on top of our zinc bath. The fluxing process removes oxides and is intended to prevent oxidation of the steel prior to the zinc coating. This flux is then pushed aside to ensure clean removal of the steel parts from the zinc bath.
Galvanizing -- This is where the steel actually gets the zinc coating. The steel is immersed into a bath of molten zinc, which is heated between 820 and 850 F. During the galvanizing process, the steel comes up to the bath temperature and the zinc metallurgically bonds to the steel, creating a series of highly abrasion-resistant zinc-iron alloy layers, topped by an impact resistant pure zinc layer.
Inspection -- The final step in the hot-dip process to ensure compliance with the specifications. Coating thickness, uniformity, adherence and appearance are evaluated. Electronic testing gauges are used to give quick and convenient measurements of the coating. Additionally, Certificates of Compliance can be issued to satisfy the acceptable workmanship.
Rabu, 25 Maret 2009

Cara Pembayaran: Transfer Bank. Melayani order Retail sampai dengan kapasitas 100 ton/hari, atau 20.000 ton/tahun, dengan harga yang kompetitif!!! Kami siap mengadakan kontrak per bulan maupun per tahun dengan perusahaan Anda, dengan keuntungan, kami akan memberikan prioritas Jadwal Pengerjaan, Harga Bersaing dan Cara Pembayaran yang sangat fleksibel bagi perusahaan anda. Hubungi Divisi Marketing kami dan dapatkan pelayanan terbaik dari kami.
Dengan komitmen, produk dan seluruh proses produksi JGI mengacu kepada standar kualitas international.Contact Us: Tavip Endro Telp. 021-89841350 atau HP:08885883850
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What is "Galvanize"?

hot-dip galvanized
Galvanized equipments Manufacturer Galvanized pot, furnace, Separator
Main Entry:
Inflected Form(s):
gal·va·nized; gal·va·niz·ing
transitive verb1 a: to subject to the action of an electric current especially for the purpose of stimulating physiologically
— gal·va·ni·za·tion \ noun
— gal·va·niz·er\ noun
–verb (used with object), -nized, -niz⋅ing.
1. to stimulate by or as if by a galvanic current.
2. Medicine/Medical. to stimulate or treat (muscles or nerves) with induced direct current (distinguished from faradize ).
3. to startle into sudden activity; stimulate.
4. to coat (metal, esp. iron or steel) with zinc.
Also, especially British, gal⋅va⋅nise.
1795–1805; < a="" muscle="">
Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary, © 2002 Merriam-Webster, Inc.
Jumat, 13 Februari 2009
New Promo
Hot Dip Galvanizing after steel fabrication is a versatile corrosion control process that can solve the problem in most major industrial application.It is superior barrier protection system for steel and one that is truly impenetrable to water and oxygen. Main advantages of our galvanize system:
1. Latest Technology with fully automated and computerized system, which allows us to offer more competitive prices.
2. One day service! Faster Process Fully automation and computerization of the process facilitate faster production cycle, while still maintaining high quality of products.
3. Control Of Product Quality Direct and continuous control of the total process by an automated operating and process controlling system means that we are fully in control of product quality. Less rejection and extended lifespan of the galvanized products are guaranteed.
4. Environmental Friendly Our new closed circuit automated hot dip galvanizing process, with process integrated recovery system enabled us to prevent/reduce toxic and hazardous waste flows that are unavoidable in the conventional (manual) system. This aspect has been certified based on the environmental standards of European Community.
5. Healthier And Safer Working Conditions The prevention/reduction of toxic and hazardous waste flows also means that our staffs enjoy healthier and safer working conditions, Additionally, the closed circuit process for both pickling and galvanizing means that they do not have to be in direct contact with hazardous chemical solutions.
6. Compliance With International Standards Our products last up to 50 years and comply with following standards: ISO 1461, ASTM A 123, and AS 1650.
Galvanize Equipment

All galvanizing consists of four fundamental steps:
- Surface preparation
- Prefluxing
- Galvanizing
- Finishing

Tukar Link dan Promosi Website
Size : to fit our kettle size of 7,5 X 1,5 X 2,5 meters
Processing Time : 3 - 4 Working Days
Invoicing : Prompt per truck after galvanizing
Payment : COD
Transportation : Excluded
Remark :
- Stripping of already galvanized materials for regalvanizing purposed
will be charges wtih an additional 50 % of a.m corresponding Prices
- Due to high humidity during rainy season so called wet storage stain
( Zinc hydroxide ) may develop on materials surface. This is natural
phenomenon and no reason for complaint / rejection as started such
as EN ISO 1461 and others.
Condition :
- Price calculated based on the white weight of the materials as per JGI’s Scale
- Materials & Surface has to be suitable for Hot Dip Galvanizing and free from any Lacquers, grease, oil etc as otherwise addtional cost will be charge.
Service :
- Loading + Unloading of truck / standard packing
- Chemcal pretreatment + Hot Dip Galvanizing
- Finishing + Certification
- Environment friendly process
- Commisioning by customer’s staff at our workshop if required
The best Service You Can Get In Galvanizing

HOT DIP GALVANIS melindungi investasi besi dan baja anda selama lebih dari 20 tahun. Dengan proses pelapisan yang cepat, skedul produksi kami bisa dibooking sebelumnya. Harga negotiable tergantung material. Melayani order retail sampai dengan kapasitas 100 ton / hari, atau 20.000 ton / tahun, dengan harga yang kompetitif!!! Kami siap kontrak per bulan maupun per tahun dengan perusahaan Anda, dengan keuntungan, kami akan memberikan prioritas jadwal pengerjaan, harga yang bersaing dan cara pembayaran yang sangat flexibel bagi perusahaan anda. Hubungi bagian pemasaran kami di sales office di PT. Jasatama Galvanis Industry, Cikarang-Bekasi, dan dapatkan pelayanan terbaik dari kami.
Dengan komitmen, produk dan seluruh proses produksi JGI mengacu kepada standar kualitas international : ISO 1461 : 1999 dan ASTM A 123 A 153.
Contact Person:
Tavip Endro Y.